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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Rename Multiple Files using Excel in Windows

Ever been in the situation where you need to rename a bunch of files without giving them then same name with a number extension? Ever needed to rename a long list of images so they're search engine friendly? Well if the answer is yes, then your in for a real treat. There's a quick and easy solution to renaming files using Microsoft Excel (or any other spreadsheet software) and the windows command prompt.
For this example, I'll be renaming a folder of images so the name replaces spaces with dashes and adds a keyword to the end, making them more SEO friendly.
Here's how to go about doing this...

Step 1 - Generate Your File List

First thing is to get a list of all the files you want to rename. Start by opening the command prompt by clicking Start then typing cmd (in XP, hit run and then type cmd). This will open up the command prompt.
Then we need to change the current directory to the one we want. An easy way of doing this is to open the folder and copy the location. Got the command prompt, type cd and then right-click and hit paste. Hit enter and the directory we're working within will change to the one with all our images in.
Now we need to generate the list of images. Type this:
dir /b > _list.txt
This will create a list of all the files in the folder and export them to a new file called _list.txt. You can call this file what you want.

Step 2 :
  The fun starts now. Fire your copy of Microsoft Excel or Google Docs Spreadsheets and paste those file names into the first spreadsheet column.

Step 3:
In the blank adjacent column, add a corresponding Excel function – for instance, use SUBSTITUTE to change specific text in the filenames, use CONCATENATE() with DATE() if you want to add date to the filename, etc.
rename multiple files
*For more complex criteria, you may want to put the file extensions in a separate column by splitting the file name using period (.) as the delimiter.
Step 5: Your source filenames are now in column A while the Destination files are in column B – we will now convert this into a DOS rename command.
In Column C, type the following Excel formula and your command is ready to be executed.
=CONCATENATE(“ren “,A1, ” “, B1)
Copy paste the same formula across all cells in column C for which you have corresponding values in Column A or B.
We are almost done. Copy all the values from column C to the clipboard and paste them inside the DOS window or better still, put them inside a new text file and give it a name like rename.bat.
rename-batch-commandExecute and all files that match the criteria are renamed instantly.
And that's it tadaa all renamed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How to extract images from comments in Excel?

If you want to extract and save the images from comments into a folder, please do as follows:
1. Copy the sheet which contains the comments with images that you want to save into a new blank workbook.
doc extract image from comment 1
2. And then click File > Save As to save this new workbook as Web Page format in a specific folder, see screenshot:
doc extract image from comment 2
3. Then click Save button to save the file, then go to the specific folder to view the saved images, two files are generated in the folder, one is the html file, and another is a folder that contains all the images and other files, see screenshot:
doc extract image from comment 3

Extract images from comments into cells with VBA code

If you want to extract the images from comments into cells as following screenshot shown, here, I can create a VBA code for you, please do as this:
doc extract image from comment 4
1. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.
2. Click Insert > Module, and paste the following code in the Module Window.
VBA code: Extract images from comments into cells:
Sub CommentPictures()
'Updateby Extendoffcie 20161207
    Dim cmt As Comment
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim visBool As Boolean
    Dim cmtTxt As String
    Dim jpgPath As String
    Dim shpHeight As Integer, shpWidth As Integer
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each cmt In ActiveSheet.Comments
        With cmt
            cmtTxt = .Text
            shpHeight = .Shape.Height
            shpWidth = .Shape.Width
            .Text Text:="" & Chr(10) & ""
            visBool = .Visible
            .Visible = True
            On Error Resume Next
            Set xRg = .Parent.Offset(0, 1)
            .Shape.CopyPicture _
              Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
            Selection.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
            Selection.Width = xRg.Width
            Selection.Height = xRg.Height
            .Visible = visBool
            .Text Text:=cmtTxt
        End With
    Next cmt
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
3. Then press F5 key to run this code, and all the images of the comments in current worksheet have been extracted into the next column cells, see screenshot:
doc extract image from comment 4